We're seeking donations for our GARDENING PROGRAMS

Dig Deep,
Gardening is more than growing plants! Donate today to give a sense of belonging and connection to homeland.
Dig Deep,
Gardening is more than growing plants! Donate today to give a sense of belonging and connection to homeland.

From little things,
big things grow

There are endless benefits to gardening.

  • Social connection and interaction
  • Physical health benefits of being active and outdoors
  • Mental health/wellbeing benefits of gardening
  • Connection to land across ALL cultures
  • Fosters a sense of community and belonging

Through the realisation of this Annual Giving Program, we aim to create a nurturing environment that not only enriches the lives of our participants but also promotes holistic wellbeing within the community of Cultura.

Dig Deep,
Gardening is more than growing plants! It is a place where friendships bloom and social connections flourish. Donate today to cultivate connection.
Dig Deep,
Gardening is more than growing plants! It is a place where friendships bloom and social connections flourish. Donate today to cultivate connection.

Your funds go towards:

Piazza Improvements

New outside furniture: It is a dream of ours to have beautiful, durable and comfortable outdoor furniture for our residents. Our residents love to sit soaking up the fresh air and share conversations together outside. 

Water Features: The tranquil sound of running water has been proven to have soothing effects on the mind and body, promoting relaxation and reducing stress. Introducing water features into our gardens would not only enhance the aesthetic appeal but also contribute to the overall well-being of our residents. Moreover, these features would attract native birds, enriching the natural ecosystem and providing residents with the joy of bird-watching.  

Chicken Coop and Bird Aviary: Many residents fondly recall the presence of chickens and aviary birds in our gardens and express a strong desire for their return. Watching these birds brings immense joy and fascination to our residents’ lives, providing them with a unique connection to the natural world. By establishing a chicken coop and bird aviary, we can create opportunities for residents to engage with and appreciate the beauty of avian life and expand our animal therapy opportunities.  

Plants and Herbs: Encouraging residents to participate in gardening activities not only promotes physical activity but also provides therapeutic benefits. Growing and tending to plants and herbs allows residents to connect with nature on a deeper level, fostering a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Additionally, the availability of fresh herbs for consumption adds a sensory dimension to the garden experience, stimulating the senses and enhancing overall wellbeing.

Dig Deep,
Gardening is more than growing plants! It is a gathering place where all cultures can meet, cultivate their own food and provide a sense of purpose. Donate today to give new lease of life.
Dig Deep,
Gardening is more than growing plants! It is a gathering place where all cultures can meet, cultivate their own food and provide a sense of purpose. Donate today to give new lease of life.

Your funds go towards:

Hope Community Garden

Located in the Northern Hub, our 1.5-acre garden is a vibrant space that serves diverse multicultural communities, including Afghan, Tamil, Congolese, Karen, Karenni, Iraqi, Iranian, Ukrainian, and Syrian. It is a place where individuals and families can grow food, socialize, and celebrate cultural heritage through fresh produce.   

The Cultura Hope Community Garden Program:  This strengths-based initiative addresses barriers to social and economic participation faced by Geelong’s multicultural communities. It provides employment pathways and creates micro-business opportunities in horticulture and cooking, particularly for new arrival communities.  

The garden is more than just a place to grow vegetables; it is a vital engagement point for vulnerable individuals experiencing isolation and employment barriers. It fosters outdoor social connections and imparts valuable knowledge about local food systems, sustainability, and healthy living practices.   


Our Plan Includes:

Refurbishing Pathways: Upgrading our paths with compacted granitic sand to prevent muddiness and ensure accessibility all year round.

Widening Pathways: Adjusting the pathways to accommodate wheelchair access, allowing everyone to navigate the garden easily.

Renewing Wooden Edges: Replacing the deteriorating wooden edges around the garden plots with sustainably sourced cypress macrocarpa sleepers to enhance the structural integrity and make the garden safer.

Constructing Raised Garden Beds: Building new raised beds to reduce the physical strain of gardening, making it more enjoyable, especially for those with mobility challenges. This will also provide opportunities for community members currently on our waiting list.

Adding Seating: Installing additional wooden bench seats throughout the garden for more relaxation and social interaction.

We're seeking donations for our GARDENING PROGRAMS